Friday, November 25, 2011 @ 1:54 AM // [0 letters]
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Soure: Google
Hello and Assalamualaikum guys. Lately I'm feel lazy to update, sorry okay :) Btw, who knows the person above ? Put your hand in the air now ! Errr guys berbau lah :p hahaha jkjk. Okay now lets be serious, *cough* He's not an artist. He starts from Youtube and overall his uploads are cover. But now he has a origanal song in title Best Friend :>
I discovered him while I was on YouTube, and I saw new video Best Friend by Jason Chen. Curious to know him and what the interest was about, I found his fan page which linked to his YouTube account and his talent.
Jason Chen born in mixblooded. Taiwanese-American from Lost Angeles, California. His main talent is his singing. I'm not a music analyst or know a lot about music so I can't describe his voice really well. Hahaha. It sound good and not something I'm hearing a lot of from artists right now.
Not a music major like many of the YouTube artists you see. He's studying at UCLA for a business economics major, pretty impressive. He plays violin and sings, I don't know about other instruments. He sings in English and Mandarin, mostly English.
Being a very helpful guy, most of his song are in mp3 format to download off his Page. My favourite songs are
Best Love Song and Streo Heart. I have most of his songs on iPod :]
In the name of Allah, The most gracious, The most merciful
Full Biography
• Im Kie.
• Live in Malaysia and proud to be MALAYSIAN.
Pertama dan selamanya aku berterima kasih kepada-Nya kerana memberi ruang dan peluang untuk membuat ruangan ini. Aku hasilkan blog sebenarnya untuk berkongsi ilmu, mencari ilmu dan mengeratkan ukhuwah dan agar suatu hari nanti aku dijemput malaikat maut untuk menghadapNya blog yang sarat dengan perkongsian yang bermanfaat ini dapat sekurang-kurangnya mampu membantu aku di sana. Aku cuma ingin pahala ini terus mengalir menjadi saham akhirat untuk aku. Hanya itu. Biarlah aku lelah kerana ini semua Lillah. Untuk kamu dan kamu terima kasih sudi singgah. Tajdid niat itu. Aku mohon tegur salah dan silapku dengan berhemah dan berhikmah kerana aku juga manusia biasa seperti kamu yang banyak khilaf dan kekurangannya. Semoga blog ini bermanfaat bagi kamu. InshaAllah. Salam ukhuwah fillah.