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Jason Chen
Friday, November 25, 2011 @ 1:54 AM // [0 letters]

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Soure: Google

Hello and Assalamualaikum guys. Lately I'm feel lazy to update, sorry okay :) Btw, who knows the person above ? Put your hand in the air now ! Errr guys berbau lah :p hahaha jkjk. Okay now lets be serious, *cough* He's not an artist. He starts from Youtube and overall his uploads are cover. But now he has a origanal song in title Best Friend :>

I discovered him while I was on YouTube, and I saw new video Best Friend by Jason Chen. Curious to know him and what the interest was about, I found his fan page which linked to his YouTube account and his talent.

Jason Chen born in mixblooded. Taiwanese-American from Lost Angeles, California. His main talent is his singing. I'm not a music analyst or know a lot about music so I can't describe his voice really well. Hahaha. It sound good and not something I'm hearing a lot of from artists right now.

Not a music major like many of the YouTube artists you see. He's studying at UCLA for a business economics major, pretty impressive. He plays violin and sings, I don't know about other instruments. He sings in English and Mandarin, mostly English.

Being a very helpful guy, most of his song are in mp3 format to download off his Page. My favourite songs are
Best Love Song and Streo Heart. I have most of his songs on iPod :]

Chech Jason's YouTube and Facebook Page.

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