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What a long time
Monday, March 26, 2012 @ 7:02 PM // [0 letters]

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Assalamualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh. Wah panjang salam saya kan. Jawab cepat. Oh okay hi awak yang tengah baca. Banyak aktiviti yang saya buat hari ini. Sangat produktif. Bukan produktif yang tu ... ye. Jangan fikir pelik-pelik boleh tak ?! Eh tetibe.

Sorry for not updating any update lol. I'm really busy with the school :/ I'm just back from school and ofc skipped extra class today. Hohoho. Why am I being so happy ? Lol no, actually I don't. I feel really tired with homeworks and yet my trouble. Actually I planned on doing Kerja Kursus PMR but, tada I'm updating my blog speshul for you. Hihihi and I wasted my time searching for craps information. Ergh ergh. Why I have to be like this ? Why my fingers not helping at all ?! Ffuuuu. I hate this kind of feeling. Now I've no mood to do any homeworks. Wait til night maybe I have the mood back. Lol what am I thingking about ? Kalau dah malas tu, malas je lah --'

Teringin nak baca buku The Hunger Game, when I can get that book mama ? :/ 

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