بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Assalamualaikum & Hi
School is over so I can have much free time. Haha, but I don't know what I want to do and what I shoud do this holiday. Hangout with friend? No my parents will not allow me to do so. Reading novel? I already read all of them. I think this year holiday is the worst holiday ever in my life. Strike boredom keep hitting me. Yeah like always but this time is really damn boring. Really bro really. Okay enough for strike boredom and whatsoever. Sorry for this not so good mood. Let's talk about the title. Art? It's all about ART.
After PMR my school will held a lot of activity to fill the students' free time. Year by year. Such as competition, gamelan, art and other. I think it take around 10 days. I'm not join the activity as I were busy doing the mural. Painting the wall and making the wall look great and beautiful. Hehehe. Don't really know what to say anymore. Lets see the picture.
Made by chinese students' group
Mei Peng, Chun Seng, Koon Wei and Yong Liang
Made by: Iffah, Aina, Amira, Me, Auni, Aqilah
See the starfish? It was made by me *dancing*
Made by Cikgu Amat Sain. Look real :o
Iffah, Auni, Cikgu Adila, Hakim
Meet Syaza and Afina
Made by 3Unik student
Meet my pretty chinese friend, Mei Peng
Last paragraph, haha. So do you enjoy my picture? Yes? Okay good. Bye.
Much love, Syasya Syakirah