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Welcome to our house, Ginger
Friday, November 23, 2012 @ 11:23 PM // [0 letters]

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

HI handsome and gorgeous! 

Has a cat was great! First day it here was a little bit dissapointing but the highlight of my day would be when I opened the cage, it came to me and play with my feets. Exactly, I was dumbfounded. It was like followed my feets wherever I go. Not to brag but ummm it looks like it wants to clawed my feets and seriously I don't like it because it is just too hurt. Say whaaaaat?

This is not my cat but it kinda look alike. I took this from Google :p

Haha okay enough of the highlight of the day. In case some of you don't know, I really want to pet a cat since my hamsters, Ciko was dead and Ciki was run away. I don't know where is it now. I tried my best to coax with my grandmother about to pet a cat since my hamsters were gone and with expectation I hope she would just grin and said 'Yes, you can.' But it is just a dream as I don't get a green light from her because as she said she really don't like a cat. Really really.

Last Tuesday, my maklong brings back a kitten. A small cute kitten with light blue eyes. It damn cutest kitten that I've ever seen I told you. This is the best thing in my life to look after a cat. I look at my grandma's face and waiting her permission either nod or shook her head. - all of sudden... she nodded her haed. 'Alright you can. But any consequences, you have to handle it on your own.' I grin and grin because my grandma put her trust on me. Yeayyyy!

I called it "Ginger" because emmm I don't know. I just like that name. Cool aite? Haha. It keep me-ef-ow when it hear someone voice espeacially me. Not to swank but it true okay. Lol whut -.-

Wooo, suddenly all the words totally lost. My mind was blank. I don't know what to type anymore. Okay I promise to you I will update more post about my new family in da house. Kbye guys.

I love you Ginger. Muah :*
Much love, Syasya Syakirah